Frequently asked Questions
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SCAT stands for Safety Centre for Analytical Technologies (German). The company's origins come from servicing HPLC systems.
The Safety Cap is a hermetically closed cap. It is used on the supply side of an HPLC system. All products on the supply side are usually located above the laboratory bench. Since the Safety Cap closes hermetically, a negative pressure is created when the eluent is removed. The ventilation valve has the function of allowing the necessary filtered laboratory air into the eluent bottle so that the negative pressure is compensated. It is important to know that only air enters the eluent bottle through the ventilation valve, but solvent vapors cannot escape through the ventilation valve.
The Safety Waste Cap is a hermetically closing cap. It is used on the disposal side of an HPLC. The products of the disposal side are usually located under the laboratory bench. An exhaust air filter is connected to a Safety Waste Cap so that the vapors of the collected solvent waste cannot escape unfiltered from the container.
Specifies the percentage of the dead weight to which the activated carbon in the exhaust air filter can adsorb / absorb solvent vapors. Example: At a CTC adsorption rate of 90%, 90g of vapors can be adsorbed at 100g of activated carbon.
Solvent vapors are filtered through the activated carbon by adhering to the surface of the activated carbon (adsorbing is not to be confused with absorbing). The more internal surface area available, the greater the amount of solvent vapors that can be adsorbed. The SCAT activated carbon has an inner surface area of 1,500 m²/g according to DIN ISO 9277. This peak value is unique.
The specially designed activated carbon for solvent vapors can only adsorb solvents, but no acids and/or alkali vapors. In order to adjust the buffer solution in an HPLC application pH-neutral, very small amounts of acids and/or alkalis are used, which are not adsorbed by a conventional solvent activated carbon. Therefore, SCAT has introduced two additional layers of activated carbon: One that is able to bind acid, and a second for binding the alkalis. This ensures that neither acid nor alkalis residues evaporate from the collection containers and thus do not burden the health of the laboratory staff.
Through the flow of fluids in pipes, hoses or funnels or the movement in the canister, liquids generate static electricity. This charging can cause sparks and ignite the explosive vapors. This can lead to fires and explosions. SCAT uses electrically dissipative plastics (PEHD-EL) in the production of canisters, caps, funnels, etc. The static electricity is dissipated and grounded with the use of PEHD-EL.
SCAT has 3 types of exhaust air filters. A distinction is made between sizes S, M and L. The S-filter has a service life of 3 months, the M-filter 6 months and the L-filter 12 months. The time period is measured by a timestrip. At the end of the respective period, the activated carbon is saturated, i.e. the filter is pierced and no further vapors can be adsorbed. If an HPLC is in use all year round, then the L-filter is the most cost-effective variant.
The timestrip is a timepiece that is activated by pressure. Through a chemical process, a surface turns completely red over a defined period of time. If the surface is completely red, the valve or exhaust air filter must be replaced. This coloring takes place in a defined period of time. SCAT works with timestrips for 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.
The SCAT air valve has a fine PTFE filter, which prevents the eluent of the bottle from being contaminated. After 6 months, this filter has clogged and the ventilation valve (so-called duck valve) must be replaced because it can then be decomposed by the solvent vapors.
SCAT colors all consumables red. The user can recognize these better and thus exchange them in good time.
Due to the color coding of our fittings, they can be easily assigned to the respective capillaries without annoying measurement:
a) Capillary with 1.6 mm outer diameter = green fitting with 1.6 mm inner diameter
b) Capillary with 2.3mm outer diameter = purple fitting with 2.3mm inner diameter
c) Capillary with 3.2mm outer diameter = blue fitting with 3.2mm inner diameter
Our standard fittings have inner diameters of 1.6 mm, 2.3 mm and 3.2 mm - suitable for the most commonly used standard capillary sizes in HPLC. There are also preparative fittings for capillary diameters of 4.76 and 6.35 mm.
Different HPLC's have capillaries with different diameters. We supply all common fittings (1.6mm, 2.3mm and 3.2mm) as well as the associated blind plugs, so that the customer always has everything at his disposal to connect his capillary to our safety caps.
If a capillary connection on a safety cap is not occupied, it must be closed with a blind plug, otherwise solvent vapors can escape.
PTFE, also better known under the brand names Teflon, is a highly inert material that is very low-reaction in combination with solvents, i.e., the eluent is not contaminated.
Yes, for very special applications, we can replace the PTFE core with a PP core. Safety caps with PP core are suitable for the analysis of polyfluorated chemicals (PFC) according to DIN 38407-42 or 38414-14.
We owe many of our products to the inventive spirit and personal commitment of our employees. To honor this accordingly, many products bear the names of the SCAT employees who invented or improved the respective product. In addition, names are much more memorable than article numbers. Our customers can therefore remember our products better.
In 1999, Jan and Johann Rittgasser- the founders of SCAT - developed the first safety caps and safety waste caps for a leading German pharmaceutical company.
LISA is the first truly scalable safety cap on the market. Due to a large number of modules, the function can be expanded at any time. The LISA can be used as a safety cap and also as a safety waste cap.
SCAT has two business units: Safety Solutions and SymLine.
Safety Solutions are standard products on the supply and disposal side of an HPLC system. The classic here are, for example, our safety caps or exhaust air filters. Distribution is carried out by specialist retailers.
SymLine is a modular solvent disposal system that connects multiple HPLC stations in the simplest way. The disposal systems can be retrofitted in or on the laboratory furniture or scheduled for the new laboratory buildings.
Liquids and vapors that move through hoses, tubes, etc. generate static electricity. This electrical charge must be dissipated/grounded to prevent the formation of an ignition spark.
A fitting is our screwable capillary attachment. A ferrule is a sealing squeeze ring which is integrated into our fittings.
Our exhaust air filter has a GL14 (male) thread. All SCAT Safety Waste Caps are equipped with a GL14 thread (female).
All our ventilation valves have an UNF 1/4-inch thread.
On our website for thread determination, you will find a PDF document that makes it easier for you to determine the thread. You are also welcome to send us the container for thread determination.
Whether storage or waste containers: SCAT Connect monitors your filling levels with millimeter precision. The hydrostatic measuring principle provides precise results for liquid chemicals. External devices such as pumps can be controlled with it.
After using the Arnold funnel, the ball automatically closes the funnel. However, there are still residues left on the inner wall of the funnel. In order to prevent evaporation into the laboratory room, the Arnold has a hinged lid in addition to the ball valve.
The SCAT Quick-Lock Connector makes it possible to detach or reconnect the capillary from the laboratory bottle with one click. The SCAT Quick-Lock Connector is drip-proof.
The TRGS stands for Technical Rule for Hazardous Substances. They reflect the state of the art in terms of safety, occupational health, hygiene and ergonomics requirements for hazardous substances with regard to placing on the market and handling. They are drawn up by the Committee for Hazardous Substances (AGS) and adapted to developments. The TRGS are announced by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the Federal Worksheet (BArbBl).
According to TRGS 727 clause 4.5.5, the maximum allowable container volume in zone 1 for insulating containers is 5 liters. Even in the case of water-miscible solvents with high conductivity, this regulation must not be deviated from, since open handling of flammable liquids in the vicinity of the container creates an explosive atmosphere, which is generally classified as Zone 1.
Thus, the TRGS 727 states that insulating containers larger than 5 liters, in zone 1, should be electrically dissipated.
The caps are usually connected to capillaries. To prevent these capillaries from twisting when the Safety Cap is unscrewed or unscrewed, the capillaries remain in position with the freely rotatable core of a screw cap. There is no so-called cable clutter.
A contaminated eluent would distort the test result of the HPLC.
A change in the mixing ratio would lead to a shift in retention time and therefor unreliable results of the analyses.
Due to its structure, the material PPS (with the chemical name polyphenylene sulphide) offers high chemical resistance with excellent mechanical strength - even at temperatures above 200 C. In addition to low water absorption, the PPS polymer also impresses with good dimensional stability and excellent electrical properties. The PPS thermoplastic offers very high chemical stability - even at high temperatures. The coupling nuts made of PPS are autoclavable and meet fire class V-0 according to UL94.
The starter kits from SCAT enable cost savings for the customer. A starter kit with 4 caps is about 30% cheaper than four individual caps.
Despite a very large assortment, occasionally a customer has a wish that cannot yet be fulfilled with our existing assortment. If it is technically possible, SCAT will then manufacture a product according to the customer's specifications.
The crazy professor represents the potential health risks associated with working with solvents. This comic-like depiction has found a high appeal in our rather conservative industry and thus also a recognition value. The crazy professor has thus developed more and more into the brand image of SCAT.
To keep the ash content of the activated carbon and the activated carbon itself in the filter housing, so that it does not fall into the collection container.
In HPLC supply, SCAT ensures not only safety but also that the eluent is not contaminated and the mixing ratio does not change. We're talking about the applications above the desktop.
Disposal is about safely disposing of the liquid waste products. This means that no harmful fumes are allowed to enter the room. Likewise, when handling explosive fluids, a static charge must be avoided, which can cause sparks and thus an explosion of the solvent mixtures.
SCAT Europe is committed to sustained efforts to combat global warming. Among other things, SCAT voluntarily participates in emissions trading for a climate-neutral environment.